Rolling Along


   I can’t believe the baseball season was already about to start. I had my game face on as I walked to the field,for opening ceremonies. The ceremonies were over, and the season was ready to begin. I knew it was going to be a great year, but how good would it be? It was the first game of the year, and Collin was pitching for our team. Right away in the first inning we were tallying up points. After the first inning the score was 9-0. In the second inning we gave up 0 runs. now the score was 9-0. The score stayed  the same through the game,so we won 9-0. we went on to win the next 4 games. This upcoming game was going to be the biggest challenge of the year. We started the game,and we were the home team. This gave us last at bat. The game was flying by. It was the 5th inning,and our team was up by 1 run. With two outs time had expired,but we would finish the inning. I stepped up to the mound and took a deep breath. I threw the pitch the umpire yelled “Strike one”. I threw another pitch, and another strike down the middle. Only one more  strike was needed. I got another strike to win the game. We one the rest of the games and ended up 14-0 as our final record.This is the end of the best season I’ve been in. This taught me that nothing is out of reach if you put your mind to it. I hope that next year is the same outcome as last year.

Dreams last forever

​life won’t be great all the time
​but don’t let keep you from your dreams
​Even the most famous people struggle
​It will be a long road to follow your dreams

​God gave us our abilities
​So be a leader
​Make a difference
​​Things will get better if you try

The Beauty of Touch

My favorite sense is touch.this is my favorite sense because, I play a lot of sports,and it would be very hard without the sense of touch. I use this sense, because mostly everything I do involves touch. This sense helps me, because if things are to hot or too cold the touch you to take your hand off. This also helps me to pick up anything.

A hug would never be the same without the sense of touch. This would be very bad without this sense, because I would not be able to shoot a hoop in basketball.It would be boring, because nothing would fill like anything. It would also be hard to walk without touch. This sense is better than any other sense,because you would not be able to do much at all.

A Young Man’s Dream

Dick Clark was an American icon. He has helped many Americans understand the language of Rock and Roll. He wanted people around the world to give Rock and Roll a chance.

On November 30, 1929 Richard Wagstaff Clark was born the son of Richard Wagstaff Clark Sr and, Julia Fuller. He was born and raised in Mount Vernon, New York. Dick Clark was very smart as a young boy. When he was 20 he went to Syracuse university. In 1951 he graduated with a degree in advertising. People gave him the nickname of the world’s oldest teenager. In 1956 Dick Clark started a tv show called American Bandstand. He introduced Rock and Roll to the American citizens. This show gave many new music artist their first exposure as a singer. The show ended in 1986.

Dick Clark is a hero to me because he touched so many people in so many ways. He took such pride and dedication to his career. He even completed his career in front of millions of Americans on national television while being sick and having slurred speech. I have always admired Clark for his youthful appearance and yet having a world of knowledge.

He died on April 19, 2012. It will never be the same on New Years eve when watching the ball drop in Times Square and not hearing Dick Clark’s voice or seeing his face. He will be remembered and honored for all of his accomplishments.

The Stalking Fox

The stalking fox
Red and White,
is the fox.
Smelling a snack.
Sneaking Quietly,Creaking Cracking on the ground
Stalking the mouse.

Grey and white,
is the mouse.
felling danger.
watching the green eyes,
of the fox.

closer and closer,
comes the fox.
The fox snatches,
and eats the mouse.

more animals still watch,
hiding from the fox.
as the stalking fox,
walks along the forest.

Ocean Blue

I was in the car and, could not wait until we got there. The trip was to Fort Myers, Florida.We were going to pass through five states.

Thirty minutes after I got in the car I was sound asleep. when I woke up my family and, I were at the Tampa Bay rays game. It was a very unique field. It had a dome. When we got inside all we could here was cowbells. It sounded like a farm in there. It was a great game the rays won 8-5. During the game I caught a foul ball, but it really stung. After the game we went to my Aunt and Uncles house. the last time we visted them was two years prior. when we got there the first night , we swam in a humugous pool, and ate hamburgers. At around 10:00 pm I was asleep, because tommorow was the day we went fishing.

When I woke up It was time to leave to go fishing. I saw the sun bright as ever ,thinking this was going to be a great fishing day. An hour after we changed our clothes we left. My dad said “we are going to have a great time”. As soon as we got there it looked like a never ending body of water.On the boat we had fishing lessons. I thought to myself practice makes perfect. After that we got to cast our lines. After about five cast I hooked a fish. wow I caught it. This was a great trip. I can’t wait to go again.