

sources of carcinogens and their risk to the body are Sometimes a cause of cancer in people who are intoxicated by carcinogens from first hand experience or just from being around it and inhailing it.. Common examples of non-radioactive carcinogens are inhaled asbestos, certain dioxins, and tobacco smoke. Carcinogens may increase the risk of cancer by altering cellular metabolism or damaging DNA directly in cells, which interfers with life processes in the body, and induces the uncontrolled, malignant division, ultimately leading to the formation of tumors..After the carcinogen enters the body, the body makes an attempt to eliminate it through a process called biotransformation. .cigarette smoke is really the main source of damages cuased by carcinogens. the tobacco smoke from the cigarettes is so common because of the millions of people who smoke in the usa alone.


There are many myths about smoking and tobacco use. In this essay I will give some very informative facts about smoking and tobacco use to hopefully put those myths to rest. 

Smoking and tobacco use is a problem with people of all ages. Most new tobacco users are adolescent.  The average age a person begins smoking is 13, while the average age a person begins using smokeless tobacco is 12-25 years old. Nicotine found in tobacco is very addicting, with some becoming addicted after only 3 cigarettes. Nicotine addiction has been compared to the addiction of cocaine and heroin. Tobacco users can also experience nicotine poisoning.Symptoms of nicotine poisoning are dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea. Some people claim that smoking helps relax them, when actually nicotine is a stimulant and speeds your body up. There are more positive ways to relax without smoking. Smoking also takes up a lot of your time. It keeps a 2 pack per day user busy for about 3-4 hours a day with a cigarette in their hand, mouth, or ashtray.  Decreasing or avoiding carbonated drinks, coffee, or alcohol can reduce ones craving for tobacco. Some people also believe it helps them lose weight, or if they quit they will gain weight. Actually about 1/3 of smokers and ex smokers gain weight, while 1/3 lose weight, and 1/3 stay the same. The idea that cigarettes help with weight loss comes from a 1900’s advertisers campaign. Thats why some cigarettes are called “slim” or “light”. This is a clever way of making people think they will look better and lose weight if they use their product. Some also think that once you begin smoking there is no reason to quit because the damage is done. Actually when a person quits smoking or dipping the body immediatly starts repairing itself. Blood pressure and pulse rates return to the normal range, and nerve endings start growing back after only 20 minutes of not using tobacco. After 1 week of not smoking lung function begins to improve, and after 10-15 years of not smoking the risk of tobacco related diseases are greatly reduced. On average it takes smokers 5 tries before they are succesful at quiting. So please encourage people to not start using any type of tobacco products.

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